Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Google Classroom Assignment

I'm trying something new this year. I'm using Google Classroom for some student assignments. Each night students are asked to read in their A.R. book for 30 minutes. I'm now asking students to write a brief, one-paragraph, summary from their reading. Students need to sign into my Google Classroom to view this nightly assignment and use the template that I've provided to write the summary.

Students can find Google classroom from their PVUSD Google Drive account or go to http://classroom.google.com

My classroom code to join Google Classroom is fdd6qb3.


  1. You can get some quality online college homework help for here.

  2. Yes, very interesting. I think it very conveniently for each student. And today I will try it too. Maybe it will help me in my writing a college paper, so, I hope.
