Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Santa Cruz County Science Fair

The Guidelines, dates and resources for the County Science Fair are now ready to view. Students should begin researching potential science fair project topics immediately. Click on the Science Fair tab to see available resources, or simply click here for a shortcut. It is important that students read through the guidelines for choosing an appropriate topic. I will also be going over this in class. The first due date is Wednesday, December 7th.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Weekly Update + iGradePlus

Welcome Back from Thanksgiving Break!! We have four very busy weeks until Winter Break. Here's what's coming during the next four weeks:
  • Writing Performance Task (Topic: The Effect of Pesticides; Due by December 2)
  • Math Performance Task (Due by December 6)
  • NWEA Winter MAP: ELA and Math Assessment (Due by December 16)
  • Writing Workshop Informational Textbook Unit
  • Begin Science Fair Project
As you can see there is a lot going on before Winter Break. I also want to encourage both parents and students to check grades on a regular basis on iGradePlus. It is the student's responsibility to know what his/her grades are and to request any retests, or make up any missing assignments. We are now back to the traditional letter grading system. So, what you see on iGradePlus now reflects the current status of a report card grade per subject. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Parent - Teacher Conference Week / Minimum Day Schedule

As you know, this week is Parent-Teacher conferences. Students will be dismissed at 12:20 each day.

Report Cards will be sent home on Tuesday, November 22. They will not be given out at conferences, but we will of course be discussing students progress towards the 6th grade standards.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Studies Weekly Test Results

Hey Kids!

Studies Weekly Test Results Are In.

Both Science and History test grades have been posted and recorded in my gradebook. Check your scores and let me know if you decide to retake a test. If you do not inform me that you are retaking the test, I won't upgrade your score. I always take the better of the two scores.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Parent - Teacher Conference Schedule

Parent - Teacher Conferences are next week, November 14 - 18. Please click on the link below to confirm your appointment day and time. If you have not signed up for a conference yet, please email me as soon as possible.  There are only eight open slots at the moment. Thanks!


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Every Kid Votes!

Here is the code for Studies Weekly Every Kid Votes!