Class Policies

This is the year where we transition students away from elementary school and prepare them for Jr. High. 

Homework Policy

In order to prepare students for 7th grade, I have a strict homework policy. When a student does NOT turn his/her homework in on the due date, his/her student number will go up on the Missing Assignments board as an alert. Students will have until the end of that same day to complete the assignment for full credit. Point deductions will be given after the assigned due date. 

Proper Heading Policy

Each student must put his/her first and last name along with his/her student number in the upper right hand corner of every assignment. I also require students to include the date and subject.

Example of proper heading:

Joe Cool #4

Papers without proper headings will be placed into a "mercy bin". Unclaimed papers will be thrown away at the end of the week and will receive zero credit.

Absent / Make-up Work Policy

I understand that students have to miss school sometimes due to illnesses, family emergencies, and vacations. I strongly encourage parents NOT to schedule vacations during set school days. There are so many learning activities that happen in just one day. It is difficult and stressful for students to get caught up when they miss multiple days of school.

However many days the student misses is how many days he/she will be given to complete missing assignments. When a student is sick, I am happy to send work home with a parent, guardian, sibling or friend. Simply email me or inform the school office that you would like work sent home. Please try to give me at least a 2 hour notice so that I have time to get materials together. 

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